Finding the way to the altitude


No … this is not a post about piloting a plane or any sort (and not hiking neither). I am referring to the quote from Zig Ziglar (1926 ~ 2012) –

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude…”

We tends to be forever climbing in altitude, no matter its a career ladder, social status, personal wealth etc… but what will determine our altitude? or, how high will we reach?

Ever after the industrial revolution, there is a certain “life model” has been fabricated in the western world, with an image or so called path to the “success model”. It is just like a cookie cutter, telling you that you study, earn your degree, get a good job, and progress … in which, it “should” bring you to the destination – the definition of successful. The focus on skills or aptitude is far more greater than anything else, and a lot of people trust that with a great skill-set or aptitude, that would bring you success and you will be at the altitude you wanted.

But… is that all? Why are there so many graduates from different universities all over the world every single year and we have only seen a few of the successful cases? Well, you might argue that everyone’s definition for “being successful” are different. Yes, I agree. That was what I thought in the past as well.

However, beside accepting the fact that the targets are different, attitude plays a big part in the journey as well. The quote from Zig Ziglar was echoing in my head in the last couple of days when I tried to look back on what has been happening in my life over the last couple of years. I really want to know where am I heading and what I could achieve.

Attitude – the strong word that came into mind. If two identical persons having the same skill set/aptitude, what differentiate them is the attitude towards the things that they are working on. Your mindset and attitude towards the item can leads to a very different outcome. This has a direct influence on how successful you will be – the altitude that you want to achieve.

I have reflected a lot on this quote personally and really would like to share this with you.

Be positive, be courage, be humble and less arrogant. The higher the attitude you set for yourself, the more important this is.

This is all I have for today. Ciao until next time.




LaCie Porsche Design Mobile Drive Review


If you are a hardcore Mac user, you would definitely heardscf5656-1d of the brand LaCie for their mobile hard drive, especially their rugged range and thunderbolt range. LaCie has been partnering with Porsche Design since 2003 and provide their customers with some very stylish products! We will be reviewing today is the LaCie Porsche Design Mobile Drive 2TB – USB 3.0 version. Continue reading

Exciting Announcement – We are moving INFINITICIOUS into a new direction!

Hi Folks!

How are you all doing? We here at INFINITICIOUS would like to wish you all have a fabulous start to the new year!

We have some important and exciting announcements to make today! (Drum rolls please!) We have test ran INFINITICIOUS over the last 18 months and we are trying to find an identity and also a direction for this site to move forward. Should we keep it the way it is or should we use this platform as a base to extend our reach? We have consulted a lot of people and also some of you have messaged me with ideas.

And we are very proud to announce that, on today, 18th January 2017, we have launched our facebook account, and more importantly we have launched our own YouTube Channel – InfiniticiousTV.


InfiniticiousTV will be focusing on video reviews of any lifestyle product/eateries, photographic gears, Auto/Motoring stuffs and also into the world of Tech gadgets as well.

Before you throw your fruit and popcorns at me, I would like to assure that this blog will not change, but we think we will be using the YouTube Channel to support the blog from a content creation perspective, and at the same time, we hope that we could use our FB page to reach more audience for our blog.

Remember to hop over to both of our YouTube Channel and Facebook Pages to subscribe, so you could receive notification for our updates!

InfiniticiousTV –

Infniiticious FB page – 

Okay, time for me to go and look after both Princess O and Queeny C. Will catch up with you all next time!

Like and share this blog on your favourite social media platform!

Your Share = My Motivation!!!


Service and Product Review – CarPro C.Quartz Finest by Klasse Detailing Sydney

Captured by iPhone 6s Plus

Captured by iPhone 6s Plus

Umm… Where should I start?

Just to put this out there – In the past, I don’t trust car detailing service and/or coating on paint. Ummm…. or I should say, with how frequent I change cars, it does not warrant the price of the detailing/coating for me.

With the lifestyle changed and having Princess O with us, the Queen has ordered that we will be keeping the Passat for an extended period of time, talking about 4 to 6 years. After agreeing to this, I have started to think about how shitty my car will look in 4 years time! The word “detailing” came into my mind and I have started my extensive research on it. The technology of car detailing and coating has changed rapidly in the past few years, and I must say, I am quite overwhelmed with the offers in the market and got lost in what I should be doing.

After researching for weeks, I have settled on this product C.Quartz Finestfrom CarPro – The C.Quartz Finest. The CQuartz Finest (CQF below) is
different to the normal CQuartz or CQuartz UK product that you can purchase publicly. Only around 200+ trained CQuartz technician have access to this, and they are all trained by Carpro to use this product. Let’s get into the nitty gritty about the product:

“… CQF is a nanotech ceramic paint coatings, high strength and condensed nano particles with superior cross linking abilities were designed utilizing a new proprietary nano material to create an extremely tough 3D structure providing a durable, super high gloss coating which protects paint and other automotive surfaces from UVA and UVB rays, dirt, brake dust, iron contaminants, bugs, bird droppings, tar and all sorts of environmnetal contaminants …”

So… what does that mean?!

There are a few areas that I am interested in while I was doing my research; the first and foremost thing, how glossy my car will look! CQF is known for its extra rich in depth and gloss it gives to the paint. But then it all depends on how good is the detailer. Paint correction is the most important step prior to applying the coating. Tony from Klasse Detailing Sydney has spent full 10 hours  in paint correction to help achieve the glossiness that I wanted. This is needed even with a brand new car! The pre-delivery wash and polish from most dealership are known to induce scratches and swirl marks to the clear coat. Once you put it under the hash detailing light, they will all show up!

Second thing that I am looking into is the hydrophobic feature of the coating. Life is getting busier and busier, especially with Princess O on deck! I don’t spend as much time to keep my car clean nor wash my car as often. CQF features a low sliding angle, which allows water drops to release easily causing an extreme lotus effect. Further to this – dust, dirt and contaminants do not bond to the coating , and with any dirt or dust that attach to the coating, it is much more easily removed with a simple car wash.

The third aspect … Protection from bugs and … BIRD POO!!!!! The birds in our country love to poo! Bird poos are the biggest enemy to the paint work on our cars. They can dissolve wax on contact and eat deep into the paint, and leave an etching within minutes. CQF claimed to resists bird droppings and allows us time to discover and remove them befoe they do any permanent damages.

No matter how good is the product, the detailer is the key of the whole process and what make your money worthwhile. I met Tony from Klasse Detailing Sydney through a recommendation of a friend, and I have personally inspected a few cars that he had done in the past. One word can describe him and his work, he is a PERFECTIONIST! The level of details that he goes into, and the passion he has in his business is just plainly amazing! He is a mobile auto detailer, and also you can bring your car into his workshop as well. I have chosen to have the coating plus wheel and windows done at the same time. I have picked up the big girl (aka … my passat) from Tony after the coating has cured for a few hours. On the same note, he also provides a free maintenance wash a week after the car is done to ensure there are no defects on the coating and also use the CarPro Reload to give it an extra layer of gloss.

And the end result? I am in love with it (don’t worry… not him)! The reflection and glossiness level is just insane! Since I have picked up the car, it has seen a few rain and those dust and dirt just do not stick to the car! It does not turn into the yellowish stain that you will normally see, instead, it is as shiny as the first day that I pick her up! All in all, I am storked!

I know what you are thinking now… no photo no proof right? I must say, photos do not do the justice. But I am going to show you a few videos of the car under the sun. Make sure you have buckled up and do not fall over from your chair! INFINITICIOUS do not take any responsibility for you injuring yourself when watching the videos! 🙂

For more information about the CQF coating and the service from Tony, you can contact him on his page below:

Klasse Detailing Sydney

And just for fun… I have done a time lapse video when Tony is doing the maintenance wash and applying the carpro reload! Enjoy the video!

Remember to subscribe my blog and share/like this post with your favorite social media using the buttons below!

Your Like and Share = My Motivation!

Okay… that’s all from me for now! Ciao .. until next time!


Volkswagen Park Assist 3.0 Demo

A few of you have asked me to do video up on how the new VW park assist 3.0 works, I have done this short video to demonstrate the capability of the system. I must say, it is quite amazing. it could determines if that is a parallel space or perpendicular space, and reverse in accordingly, you can also choose to back in or front in to the perpendicular space!

Excuse me for the video quality … iphone sucks at low light.

Please like and share this on your favourite social media sites!

Ciao … until next time.


Welcome to the family big girl!

Hi Folks, how have you all been? Keeping well?

We have taken delivery of our new family member last Monday! She is a Volkswagen Passat Variant (Wagon) 206TSI R-Line. We have been tossing around the idea of getting a bigger car since Princess O was born, and finally settled on this big girl. With the upsized family, little black (aka – the Tiguan) was getting a bit cramped with minimal boot space once we have put Ollie’s pram inside.

So here we are! We have landed on the up sized Passat B8 Variant, 2litre EA888 engine at 206kw with 350nm torque, ample leg room front and rear, and most importantly, a huge boot boosting 650lit of space and a shopping trolley list of safety feature.

I will (yes… will) do a detail report on the car as part of a media commitment next month, and for now, let’s look at this beautiful baby!!!!

Credit to Tony at Klasse Detailing Sydney for the paint correction and coating! He can be contacted here (I will do a detailed review later on… he is a freaking perfectionist .. I am amazed!)

Stay tuned and please share this post on your favourite social media sites!

Your Support = My Motivation! 

Okie dokie … Let’s roll! INFINITICIOUS photos time!


It has been a long time …

G’day folks! How have you all been? It has been a long time since my last update.

My life has been travelling at 200 miles an hour over the past couple of months, let’s sum it up in the list below:

I have got married!

I have moved on to another job!

I have graduated from my Executive MBA degree!

Our little princess O has arrived!

We have been running around and adjusting our schedule to suit Princess O since then, the dust has settled slightly now and I am trying to put my head above the water so you folks won’t forget about me!!!

Let’s start with a few photos that have been taken during the easter break with Queeny C! Some hearty maternity photos 8 weeks before we met Princess O.

Ciao for now and stay tuned!

The Mighty Jervis Bay – our Staycation [/steɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/]

Hi Folks!

I have promised another update right? Here you go, second blog post of the night! INFINITICIOUS style! (Oh well … the real cause is I couldn’t sleep… GO AWAY INSOMNIA!) … anyhow, let’s get started!

DSCF4357Jervis Bay – an oceanic bay in the South coast of New South Wales. Roughly 2.5 to 3 hours drive from Sydney CBD. It is famous for its beautiful white sand beaches. (apparently the whitest in the world!?) Regardless, it is absolutely beautiful! It is surrounded by coastal, marine and hinterland National Parks offer fantastic bushwalking, cycling tracks, Indigenous culture, camping spots, cliff-top lookouts and maritime heritage. More details: Please Click Here!

I have took a few days off in Feb and we have decided to head down to this beautiful place for a staycation with another lovely couple. As you will know by now, I love road DSCF4335trips! Especially a road trip with all the pretty sceneries! We take the scenic route from Royal National Park (aka good old Natio!), drove past the sea cliff bridge and went straight down to Jervis Bay through Wollongong. We have hired a cottage by the lake at Ewrol Bay, the view over there is just breath taking! Such a relaxing place and I will highly recommend you to experience it first hand!

Alrighty … let’s see some photos of this picture perfect place!

INFINITICIOUS Photos Time! Ciao for now and please like and share this place!


Your Like & Share = My Motivation!!

Some more photos from the HongKong – Macau Trip

Hi Folks … I haven’t update INFINITICIOUS for nearly 4 months now! How have you been?

It has been a busy couple of months for me and my little family, furthermore, with a new born coming within the next few months, things are getting a bit out of hand! (But we are loving it!!!)

We have visited Macau during our Hong Kong Trip, and … I LOVE that place! A lot of picture perfect places! Let’s show you some photos and I will ensure that I will have more regular update moving forward!

It’s … INFINITICIOUS Photos time!!


Family Loves – Visiting Hong Kong – 2015

Hi Folks!

How are you all? Hope you are all keeping well and surviving the heat in Sydney.

I am currently travelling in Hong Kong, visiting this place that I have once called home.

Hong Kong – once a British Colony for 99 years and handed back to China (PRC) back in 1997. I have spent the first 16 years of my life here before I have moved to Australia, she is one of the most busy, vibrant city in the world. Very rich in her own culture, blended with the Western and Eastern tastes. She is a city full of stories… the good, the bad and the teary ones. Let’s look at this city from my lens and tell me what you feel?

Enjoy the photos below … please share the loves with your friends on social media and like this page! Your likes and comments are my motivation!